Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I will be signing and selling this Saturday at ACE Marketplace.  If you've been wanting to get a copy of my newest book then come on out and get your very own signed copy.  There will be alot of other nice vendors there as well.  Hope to see you Saturday.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

                    I am excited to announce that Look Up and See is officially available for sales.  I received my first bulk order this week and would love for you to get a personally signed copy of it for yourself, or a gift to someone else.  Send me an email or text (478-319-4431) to get yours today.  You can also find it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Look-Up-See-Glory-Surrounds/dp/0692092641/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524313261&sr=8-1&keywords=Look+Up+and+See  

                   I hope you'll take time to read this sweet book of poetry that encourages us all to look up and see God's glory that surrounds us.  Be an observer in life and give Him all the glory for everything around you. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Look Up and See

I am beyond excited to announce that my newest book is complete!  I will be receiving copies soon and can't wait for you to get one in your hands.  You will truly be blessed by the words on every page.  God wants each of us to be an observer in life, and I pray that you will be reminded from this book to take notice of every aspect of life and see how God's glory and creator are evident in them all. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

New Book Underway

I'm excited to announce that there's a new book on the way.  God placed this book idea on my heart several years ago and I'm thrilled to say that all manuscript and illustrations are complete and in the process of being sent to the publisher.  Stay tuned for more information, but I'll just say just remember to "Look Up!"

Monday, May 12, 2014

Birds of the Air

I can't believe that it's been almost a year since I was finishing up the stages of publishing this book.  With homeschooling, and teaching art, baking cakes, leading children's choir and teaching 4-5K Sunday school at church (all the many hats that I wear), I have not had much time this year to really promote the sales of this wonderful book God inspired me to write.  This summer I would like to really encourage you to purchase a copy of this marvelous book and be encouraged by its words.  God ordained this book and I'm so excited at what He has in store for it!  

To purchase a copy from me that will be personally signed please send an e-mail to 

These books make perfect gifts for any occasion, baby showers, birthdays, mother's day, father's day, and the list goes on and on.  Thank you for checking out the blog and I hope to update it often of all that God is doing through this book.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Birds of the Air: Show Us God's Love and Care

To order a copy of my new book, please comment with your e-mail and I will send you a pay pal notice OR you can mail checks made to Jennifer Walker to 1708 Kay's Court, Macon GA 31220.  The book is on sale for $17.00, and shipping is $3.00.  I hope that this book blesses you, and you enjoy reading it, and looking at all the paintings.  Each page is a full watercolor illustration of various birds and their environment.  Thank you again for your support!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Birds of the Air

I'm very excited to present to you my first children's book written and illustrated by me!!!